The Future of the European Higher Education Area: political relevance and full implementation

December 15, 2014 - 12:30 - 14:00
Nador u. 9, Monument Building
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Open to the Public

The CEU Higher Education Research Group (HERG) cordially invites you to a

Presentation by

Marzia Foroni

Italian Ministry of Education, Consultant International cooperation and European reforms

The Future of the European Higher Education Area: political relevance and full implementation

Date: Monday, 15 December, 12:30. Venue: Room 203, Monument Building. Lunch snacks will be provided

The Future of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is being discussed in many settings, at the political level and in the academic community. It is expected that the political relevance of the Bologna Process and consolidation of the EHEA are re-affirmed at the upcoming conference of the ministers responsible for higher education of the 47 countries of EHEA, and that full implementation will be pursued. Nevertheless, the European higher education community should also reflect upon the suitability of the EHEA, as a general concept, and about how to tackle present and future challenges. The aim of the talk is to present some reflections on the remaining open issues in the implementation of the EHEA policies and tools, on the challenges that will be faced by the EHEA community in the upcoming period and on the possible actions to tackle them.

Marzia Foroni works as consultant in the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research on international cooperation and European reforms. Her main areas of expertise are the Bologna Process, European Union policies, internationalization and students mobility. She is member of the Bologna Follow Up Group, as the Italian delegate, since 2008. She graduated at Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, in International Relations, with a dissertation on the implementation of Bologna reforms in three European countries. She further studied management in higher education and research institutes at the Politecnico di Milano.