August 25, 2011 - 09:00 - August 27, 2011 - 19:00
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Open to the Public During the 6th General ECPR Conference in Reykjavik (August 25th - 27th 2011) the members of HERG organized their own panel: The Europe of Knowledge and its Ignored Labourers: Translating European Education Policies within the Section: Europe of Knowledge (Education, Higher Education and Research Policy). Within this panel three of HERG members presented their papers:
- Elene Jibladze: How Far From Europe? - Higher Education Reform in Georgia
- Joanna Renc-Roe: Building a Successful European University: What do we see when we Focus on the Institution and its Aactors?
- Renata Kralikova: Europeanising HE Governance Policies: Domestic Actors Matter (more than you may think)
Liviu Matei, also HERG member, was discussant of this panel.
Simultaneously, another member of HERG - Jana Bacevic, presented her paper: Higher education and citizenship in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe: exploring the links in another panel of the same Section.